'New' Orleans High School

A Tribute to Excellence...

...and maybe a bit of mischief

Sea Scouts Row To Nantucket

Excerpts from Life Magazine
May 17, 1954 Issue

Sea Scouts to Nantucket

Sea Scouts to Nantucket
Sea Scouts to Nantucket
Sea Scouts to Nantucket
Sea Scouts to Nantucket

Cover of the Life Magazine Article

Sea Scouts to Nantucket Sea Scouts to Nantucket
Sea Scouts to Nantucket
Sea Scouts to Nantucket
Sea Scouts to Nantucket

For a better perspective of the route they took to Nantucket (and how long it was) Click here.

OHS Alumni are grateful to Charles O. Thompson, Jr. (OHS class of 1957) for this brief description of the route taken:
"We left from the cove at the Narrows in Pleasant Bay in front of the Cochran property. Took the inside passage to Stage Harbor, then out to Monomoy Point. Next day to Nantucket.

Coming back, returned to Monomoy Point. Next day went back to Stage Harbor and through inside passage to Pleasant Bay."

OHS Students consisted of members of the "Greatest Generation" and their children.
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