'New' Orleans High School

A Tribute to Excellence...

...and maybe a bit of mischief

Washington Trip - OHS - Class of 1936

Washington trip OHS class of 1936

Back row L to R

1/2 Assistant Guide, Mr. Green (Tour Guide), Herbert “Pop” Stewart (Principal), Eunice McCue (Teacher), Barbara Sibley, Rowena Taylor, Josephine Cad, Rita Eldredge, Marjorie Eugley, Virginia Heyer, Sally Delano, Dorothy Sherman, Clarisse Hurley, Margaret Richardson, Mildred Lessard, Christine Wilson, Eddie Clark, Bob Sparrow, Bus driver

Front row L to R

Sid Pierce, Freddie MacFarlane, Larry Ellis, Bob Wilcox, Link Nickerson, Billy Gould, Clayton White. Chester Darling, Bob Chandler, Bernie Taylor, Paul Knowles, Ed Crowell, Richard Fulcher, Leland Williams, Wesley Moore, Burton Kelly, Earl Sanders, Francis Rogers

OHS Students consisted of members of the "Greatest Generation" and their children.
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