'New' Orleans High School

A Tribute to Excellence...

...and maybe a bit of mischief

The names listed below were gathered from multiple sources. There is no guarantee that all information is accurate or complete.
Many listed names may not have graduated due to uncompletion or enlistment in the military. If you find errors or omissions, please email us.
NOTICE: A limited # of alumni have email addresses which are accessible by clicking on their First Name.
A FEW are available now. The number WILL grow as time elapses and more sign on.

NRHS - Class of 1961

First Name Last Name First Name Last Name
Wayne Anderson Robert Berger
* Camilla Besse Richard Bessom
Stephen Burling Agnes Carey
* Wayne Carron Barbara Chase
* Nancy Cole Donald Delaney
Barbara Dunsford * Sandra Dunsford
Susan Eldridge Arthur Fancy
Barbara Fickett Lionel Gill
Linda Gregory Gay Henry
Amy Hooper Daniel Ireland
* James Jones Wayne Joseph
Anne Knowles Harriet Knowles
Janice MacArthur Richard Mayo
* John McPhee Brian Monzon
* Donna Moore * George Morin
Brad Nickerson Nancy Nickerson
Richard Nickerson Helen Pearson
Glorianne Perreault Valerie Rapp
Mary Reed Martin Rich
Sally Rogers Cynthia Ryone
Charlie Savage * Gene Schofield
Patricia Smith * Nicklaus Snow
Richard Sparrow * Richard Stevenson
Meredith Taylor * Priscilla Turner
Jeanne Whiting Jane Winchester
* Joseph Wright    
* Deceased
OHS Students consisted of members of the "Greatest Generation" and their children.
Copyright© 2020 by OHS Alumni

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