'New' Orleans High School

A Tribute to Excellence...

...and maybe a bit of mischief

My Recollections

By Paul "Sully" Sullivan

April 24, 2020 - Sent to Pete Norgeot

I saw the article in this weeks Cape Codder.

I knew you when you worked at Bills Sunoco. I drove a black '39 Ford coupe.

If I remember correctly, You converted a 50-51 2 wheel drive Ford pick up into a 4 wheel drive beach buggy.

The picture of the 1959 class of OHS was a treat . I could identify a few members.

I went to the 1958 Junior prom with Patty Chase and had a great time. She came to my Senior prom the same year.

I watched you play basketball several times. One game at Harwich high was an exciting one.

What a different time back then. You could keep unregistered beach buggies right down at the landing. Stay at the beach over night with a fire burning near the old ship wreck and no one would say a word. Well, I am not telling you anything new, but it is fun to look back on a simpler time.

I still see Brian Simmons occasionally and saw Jerry Fulcher recently. If I come across any old photos I will forward. Thanks for the memories.

Paul S.

OHS Students consisted of members of the "Greatest Generation" and their children.
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